Thursday, July 8, 2004

Visa International officially affirms stable operation of Alfa-Bank's Visa cards

“Visa International was ascertained by Alfa-Bank that the bank has sufficient funds to cover all Visa card transactions, — said Oliver Hughes, Deputy Director, Visa Office in Russia. — All Alfa-Bank’s Visa cards are continuing to operate in a normal business order both using the bank’s retail network and through ATMs in Alfa-Bank’s branches and in other banks in Russia and abroad”.

In connection with the Visa statement, Alexander Gafin, member of the Board in Alfa-Bank, said: “Despite the excessive withdrawals witnessed during the last two days in the market of plastic cards we confirm that all Alfa-Bank’s plastic cards are accepted for payment in restaurants and stores, and may be used to withdraw cash. In case of any problems the customers must apply to the bank for prompt solution. One of our priorities has always been to render high-class services to the holders of Alfa-Bank’s cards, and the Bank is doing its utmost in this area”.

For additional information contact:

Alexandra Poylova
The Willard Group/Burson-MarstellerMoscow
Tel. +7 095 775-47-95